Topics covered.
July 13 Meeting at Harbottle. Starting promptly after 7:00 pm so as to not have any unregulated liquids enter during open hours.
Topic- Brewing Mistakes, and what I learned from them.
Mark Rodgers will post a save the date and advise contact to the Gmail for submittals.
August- Hopefully at Bawker Bawker. Topic- Either Cider making per our guests, or local ingredients discussion.
September- Hopefully at Dragoon. Possibly a Monday occasion. Topic TBD or local ingredients if not discussed in August.
October- Columbus Park, Topic- Oktoberfest Beer Styles and food pairings. Bring in commercial products and encourage members to bring their own.
November- TBD, Topics- BJCP Sheets & Judging Topics, possible taste comparisons.
December- Holiday Party, Location TBD
Other Topics- Maintain Roster from the March 2020+ any new members for reporting to insurance.
Membership drive starting January 2022, keep dues at $35
Ken & Mark remain as officers at large until next elections.
Flexibility of meeting days- Tuesdays with the possibility of an occasional Monday.
Possible meeting locations- Dragoon, Catalina, Motosonora, Button,
Bawker Bawker
Reaching out to AHA & other clubs to see what they are doing to revive clubs.
Webmasters note: If you would like to volunteer for any of the future Club activities listed above please contact Ken Roberts or Mark Rodgers. Or better yet volunteer to be one of the THB Club officers.