Welcome to Tucson Homebrew Club “At The Movies”!
2023 THC Club Only Competition
We will be continuing our four-part, year-long competition for paid members and we will be re-instituting Homebrewer of the Year for 2023. Enter up to 2 beers per round to earn points toward the title! This year’s theme was used to select the categories for each session and, in some cases, special ingredients to use. Hopefully, this outline and schedule will help members plan out their beers for the year. Let’s get brewing!
Session #1 – “American Classics”
Categories: Standard American Beers (1), Pale American Ales (18), American IPA (21A), Pre-Prohibition Lager (27)
Entry Deadline: March 7, 2023*
Judging Session: March 18, 2023*
Session #2 – “Foreign Films”
Categories: Pale Bitter European Beers (5), Belgian Ales (24), Strong Belgian Ales (25), Monastic Ales (26)
Entry Deadline: May 2, 2023*
Judging Session: May 13, 2023*
Session #3 – “Westerns”
Categories: Fruit Beers (29), Spiced Beers (30), Wood Beers (33) – All beers must be made with an ingredient native to Arizona (examples: prickly pear fruit, mesquite, local grain, etc.)
Entry Deadline: August 1, 2023*
Judging Session: August 12, 2023*
Session #4 – “Film Noir”
Categories: Dark European Lagers (8), International Dark Lager (2C), Black IPA (21B), Dunkles Weissbier (10B)
Entry Deadline: November 7, 2023*
Judging Session: November 18, 2023*
- Dates subject to change
- For more information contact Brian Savidge bsavidge72@gmail.com