May the Fourth Brew With You
In 1988, May 7 was announced before Congress as National Homebrew Day. The American Homebrewers Association (AHA) created Big Brew as an annual event to celebrate National Homebrew Day around the world. Big Brew is held each year on the first Saturday in May.
This year, Public Brewhouse has graciously offered to host the Tucson Homebrew Club for the global celebration of the great hobby of homebrewing! Due to the size of Public’s brew system, wort will be limited to paid club members only on a first come first served basis. Please use the button below for the signup form. Any and all are welcome to observe, so even if you’re not brewing, we’d love to have you celebrate this event with us.
Big Brew is a great opportunity to show off your improvisation skills and make something rad with the wort provided. Public will be performing the mash, but the rest is up to you. Steeping grains, hops, adjuncts, spices, herbs, etc. are all up to you! Yeast, however, must not be pitched on site.
Public Brewhouse will be mashing a brown ale grain bill. What you do from there is up to you.
- 9:00 am: Arrival and setup. Parking is limited at the brewery, plan to drop off gear and then park.
- 9:30 am: Wort distribution
- 10:00 am: Nationwide simultaneous toast
- 10:05 am: Flame on
- 12:00 pm: Wrap up. Hopefully all brewers are getting close to finishing, including chilling, cleaning, and transferring to a fermenter. Do NOT pitch yeast on site.
What to Bring:
You will need to bring all the equipment and boil additions required for your brew day. This includes everything from the obvious (burner, propane, pot, chiller, fermenting vessel, hops, adjuncts) to the commonly forgotten (scale, lighter, ice). The only thing you should leave at home is your yeast, as you will not be able to pitch on site. If you have a garden hose and/or faucet splitter that you can bring, please do.