Tuesday May 7, 7:00-9:00 pm
Meeting on the Move!
Green Feet Brewing – 3669 E 44th St, Tucson, AZ 85713
Education Topic:
Chilling – Theory and Methods with Harrison Roberts
Upcoming Events
Big Brew: May 4, 2019
May the Fourth Brew with You!
This year, we are very excited that Public Brewhouse is hosting Tucson Homebrew Club for AHA Big Brew! For full details, please visit this post.
Involvement Opportunities
Education Topics
Is there a topic you’re passionate about or an experiment you’d like to perform? If so, we’d love for you to present it at a club meeting! The club is willing to reimburse individuals who present an approved education topic for ingredients, commercial examples of a certain style, or anything else needed for an experiment (up to a certain threshold). If you are interested in presenting, please email the officers or approach one of us at the meeting.
Club Jockey Boxes
The club has invested in jockey boxes to rent out to the public, and we’re looking for a handful of members to take responsibility for maintenance and coordination of pickup/drop off for rentals. We have the equipment and storage space already sorted out, now we just need labor. Please email the officers or approach one of us at the meeting if you are interested in getting more involved with the club!
Club Only Competition
Round 2 – Farm to Table
- 24A – Witbier
- 24C – Biere de Garde
- 25B – Saison
- 29 – Fruit Beer
- 30 – Spiced Beer
- X4 – Catharina Sour
Entries must be registered no later than Tuesday, June 4 at 7:00 PM MST (the beginning of the March general meeting). Bottles accepted at drop-off locations until Tuesday, June 4 at 7:00 PM MST
More Information:
Check the Club Only Competition page for more information and upcoming competitions. The Competition site is active for new entries!
REMINDER: Only registered club members will have beers judged and be eligible for points towards Homebrewer Of The Year
Club Membership
It is a new year, which means it is time to renew your membership. Use the button above to sign up for 2020. We have graduated to a new form embedded directly in the website. You will be redirected to Paypal by default, but if you wish to pay by cash or check, please talk to one of the officers.
Facebook Members Only Group
If you didn’t know we had one, well we do! Check it out!
We will be clearing out the members of the Facebook page to remove anyone who is not up to date on their membership dues (for real this time!) after the March meeting. If you want to retain access to the Facebook group.
If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, please let us know at tucsonhomebrewclub@gmail.com