May 2017 Meeting Info

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May Meeting 2017 – Meeting on the Move

When: May 2nd, 7pm – 10pm @ Crooked Tooth Brewing
Where: 228 E 6th St, Tucson, AZ 85705-8424
What: Intro to brewery and tour from Tyler Lynch (brewer)
Food Truck: Nhu Lan (Vietnamese)

Come join us for our monthly meeting. As always homebrew is welcomed.

Tucson Homebrew Club 1st Annual
Homebrew Competition

Judging is this Saturday April 29th! We are in need of judges. You do not have to be a BJCP judge to participate in the judging. It is a great experience and very worth while.

Judge or steward registration open. Sign up to be a judge on the website.

Judging will take place this Saturday April 29th.
Pints LLC
04/29/2017 at 8:00 AM, MDT

Please sign up to be a judge if you can make it. Please help this competition a success.

If you have any questions, please contact Mike Fry the competition coordinator via Contact.


Monks Vs Czechs
Beers due: May 2nd (May meeting).

BJCP 2015 Categories Accepted

3A Czech Pale Lager 3B Czech Premium Pale Lager 3C Czech Amber Lager
3D Czech Dark Lager 26A Trappist Single 26B Belgian Dubbel
26C Belgian Tripel 26D Belgian Dark Strong Ale

Per Entrant Limits

Each entrant is limited to 3 entries for this competition.

Each entrant is limited to 1 entry per sub-category .

Drop-Off Locations

Entry bottles accepted at our drop-off locations from Tuesday, January 10, 2017 at 10:00 AM, MST through Monday, May 1, 2017 at 8:00 PM, MST.

Brew Your Own Brew
2564 N Campbell Ave #106, Tucson, AZ 85719
(520) 322-5049
*Check store website for hours

Brewers Connection
4500 E Speedway Blvd #38, Tucson, AZ 85712
(520) 881-0255
*Check Store website for hours

Judging Locations and Dates

Competition judging dates are yet to be determined. Please check back later.


The awards ceremony will take place at the June Club Meeting.

Places will be awarded to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place in each category/table.

The 1st place entry in each category will advance to the Best of Show (BOS) round with a single, overall Best of Show beer selected.

Both score sheets and awards will be available for pick up that night after the ceremony concludes.

Each entry (up to 3): +1
First Place: +6
Second Place: +4
Third Place: +2
Best of Show (BOS): +6

Awards Ceremony

Dragoon Brewery
1859 W Grant Rd #111, Tucson, AZ 85745
Tuesday, June 6, 2017 at 7:00 PM, MST

If you have any questions, please contact Mike!

Big Brew
Saturday May 6th

Get ready, it’s that time of year again Big Brew day! This year we are partnering with Barrio Brewing!

They’ll be brewing their Barrio Pale recipe that day. We’ll join them, and brew a variant of our own using their wort. 


  • 8:30 setup.
  • 9 am – flame on
  • 10 am – National toast
  • 12 noon – 1pm Award Ceremony and Reception for the First Annual Homebrew Comp – Announce winners

Grain Bill

  • 2 row pale
  • white wheat
  • 2 row carapils
  • aromatic
  • 120L caramal malts.
You can always modify this with some additional steeping grains. 

Barrio Pale targets 30 ibu wort with color in the 8-9 SRM range and a 1.057 target OG if you want to brew a clone!


  1. No pitching yeast
  2. Limited to 210 gallons of wort from Barrio.
  3. Bring everything they need to brew.
  4. They have electricity, and cold water
Sign up Below

Official Big Brew 2017 Sign up
Mr Beer Homebrew Store Grand Opening

Mr. Beer Homebrew Store Grand Opening
1 – 5 p.m., Saturday, May 6
Everything Homebrew
3366 N. Dodge Blvd.
More Info
Everything Homebrew on Facebook

Come out and support another homebrew store option in Tucson! Tucson Homebrew Club will be there.
Social Roster

We have started a social roster. If you would like to access to the roster, please email us at